AG Construction

AG Construction is a body corporate in good standing by the country with its headquarter at Cairo, Egypt and recognized regionally for its leadership in providing engineering contracting services. Twenty-years founders journey has been marked by achieving around 50 projects ranging from EGP 1million to EGP 50- million in country with client expectations

Our Vision

To be stay on the leading edge of the Engineering Services Providing in the country by continually developing & executing its core competencies on the highest levels of standards.

Our Mission

AG Construction is committed to provide lean contracting services focused on engineering industry leading to safety, reliability, and quality at the proper price

Core Values

In performing mission, AG Construction adhere to these core values:

Respect & Recognition.

Fairness & Honesty.

One for all & All for one. No-Hero.

Leadership & Guidance.

Continual Improvement.

Quality & Integrity.

Human Resources are its Capital.

Clients are its Owners.

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