Our Services

Our Services

AG Construction ioffering extensive capabilities and
wide range of professional services through the following service lines

HVAC Works

Supply and install of HVAC equipment specially VRF Systems (more than 14000 TR) Supply and install of conventional DX equipment and packages units Supply and install chilled water systems. Supply and install of the air distribution system including ductwork ، duct fittings, balancing dampers ، fire dampers ، volume control dampers ، air grilles and diffusers ، fresh air louvers ، split dampers ، duct support ، thermal insulation and duct instrumentation.

Fire Fighting Works

- Supply & Installation of complete firefighting services.
- Automatic Sprinklers Wet and Dry Systems
- Pump Rooms Supply & Installations
- WaterDeluge System
- Fire Alarm and Emergency Lighting
- FM200 and Wet-Chemical Clean-Agent Fire Suppression Systems
- Industrial and Warehouses Specialized Fire Supp

Plumbing Works

- Installation of Cold and Hot Water Networks
- Installation of Drainage ، Rain and Sanitary Fixing works
- Pump Rooms ، Storage Tanks and Pressurized Water Distribution Systems
- Grey Water Systems
- Grease Removal and Treatment
- Water Cooling Works
- Central Heating and Solar Water Systems

Electrical Works

electrical construction company, dedicated to delivering top-tier electrical infrastructure for a wide range of construction projects. With extensive experience in commercial, industrial, and large-scale residential developments, we provide full-service electrical construction solutions

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